I love bargaining. I'm not always the best at it, but I love the very idea that a quick wit and a smile can help you get a better price on something. Plus, if you bargain well and have a fun time of it, you are more likely to pick up some fun perks on the side.
While I was walking from the Roman ruins of Volubilis to a place where I knew I could catch a cheap taxi, an empty taxi passed me headed to pick up some tourists at the ruins. I flagged the driver down and started haggling out a price. Normally a single place in the 6 seat (well 4 seat, but they put 6 people in it) taxi would cot me 10 dh (1 Euro). It was getting late in the day and I got a price for the whole cab of 30 dh (half price, woo!) after pointing out that I would likely be his last fare of the day, and it was better to head back to town than sit around for another hour while the last tourists drifted out of the ruins.
About 15 minutes of cruising past olive plantations and sprawling cacti groves, the driver saw a guy on the side of the road with some packages to be taken to town. Since I had technically paid for the whole cab he asked if it was ok if he stopped. I said sure, so long as he also picked up a couple of the freshly picked cactus fruit that I had seen sitting in baskets by the side of the road.
Growing up in New Mexico I was familiar with prickly pears, little fruit that were significantly more trouble than they were worth since removing the thorns from them inevitably meant removing some from your hand as well. The fruit he gave looked similar to those, but was an order of magnitude bigger. The driver called it a Fig Berber, and I highly recommend picking a couple up if you are ever in Morocco. Assuming you don't get them included in your taxi ride, they should cost about 1/2 dh.

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