Monday, 13 October 2008

Within Riding Distance

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A couple weekends back I rode my bike about 4 hours to spend time with my parents while they were travelling in Kent. Yesterday a couple of my friends and I rode about an hour to Richmond Park, where we got to see climb trees, see deer, and have a lovely picnic.

This type of bike outing is quickly becoming one of my favourite ways to spend a weekend, and so I’ve started mussing about all the different sights and adventures that are just a couple of hours outside of town. Drawing an ambitious circle of around 60 miles from my home, it looks like there is actually a plethora of destinations to choose from, including Windsor Castle, Hampton Court Palace, and Royal Tunbridge Wells.

Thinking that this might just be unique to London, I drew put the same circle over Washington, DC. Turns out there scores cool places to go for a weekend out on bikes from beaches to historic battle fields.

So what’s within weekend riding distance from your home? Why not hop on a bike and find out.

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